There are many questions asked during an immigration interview, and truthfully, the process of migrating to Canada is neither easy nor quick.
A lot of anxiety accompanies it, and it might seem like the chance of success is equal to that of failure.
Therefore, to make it successful, you need good preparation.
As Alexandra Graham famously says, “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”
Need help with Migrating to Canada? We at are here to make the process easier for you.
The immigration Interview can be the most challenging part of your application process. Anxiety and fear can ruin your chances at an immigration Interview.
So, Instead of being scared and anxious, prepare yourself for the interview and be optimistic.
Once you receive your interview notice, it is important to read it carefully to obtain the essential information, such as the date, time, and exact location of the interview.
7 Tips for a Successful Immigration Interview

Before we go into the likely Questions to ask an Immigrant, let’s take a closer look at the major tips to make your immigration interview process smooth and successful.
Here are some tips to make your interview process smooth and successful:
1. Be Punctual
This might sound cliché, but Punctuality is Key. Confirm the exact location of the interview and ensure you arrive early.
2. Assemble all Relevant Documents
Preferably, a day before the interview, all relevant documents for the interview should be assembled.
Confirm that you have all the paperwork listed on the checklist.
These documents may include,
- Passport
- Appointment letter
- Birth or Adoption Certificates
- Court or Prison records (if applicable)
- Marriage Certificate, etc.
3. Dress Appropriately
Make a good first impression of your appearance. But at all costs, please avoid overdressing. A smart and simple attire can do the magic.
4. Be Polite and Honest
Being Polite never goes out of trend. Use words like “Please” and “Thanks” more often. Avoid answering interview questions with lies because, most of the time, it bounces back.
5. Communicate Effectively
Good communication is important during your interview.
Ensure you maintain eye contact with your interviewer and understand each question before answering.
Ask the interviewer to repeat or rephrase questions politely if you don’t understand them.
6. Be Confident in yourself
The truth is that immigration questions are straightforward. Therefore, you should brace yourself and answer the questions confidently.
7. Rehearse the possible interview questions
It is important to remember that the interview process aims to verify the information on your request form and to test what you know about Canada.
Therefore, with this in mind, rehearse the best responses to answer these questions. You can choose to rehearse with an Immigration Lawyer if you have one.
2021 Immigration Interview Questions
The following questions can help you prepare for your Immigration Interview.
You should be prepared to give accurate answers to these questions.
What are the Questions to Ask an Immigrant?
1. Oath Swearing
Before the interview starts, you will be asked to swear an oath. Lying under oath is a crime and will disqualify you from the entire process.
2. Personal Information
After the oath Swearing, you will be asked some personal questions. Such questions may include,
- What is your name?
- Where were you born?
- When is your birthday?
- Where do you live currently?
- Where else have you lived in the last 5 years?
- What race are you?
- What is your phone number?
3. Physical Information
You will be asked some questions about your physical appearance. Such questions may include,
- What is your height?
- What is your hair color?
- What is your eye color?
- What is your weight?
4. Family Background
Be prepared to give out some information about your family history. These are some of the questions you should expect from this section.
- What is your Mother’s maiden name?
- What is your Father’s name?
- Were you Adopted or a Biological Child?
- Are your parents or spouse (if any) Canadian Citizens?
5. Marital Status
You will be asked questions concerning your relationship or Marital status. Such questions may include,
- Are you married, single, or divorced?
- What is the name of your spouse? (If applicable)
- How long have you been married? (if applicable)
6. Immigration Status
Be prepared to give out information about your immigration status. You should expect questions like:
- Are you a legal Citizen of any foreign country?
- Have you violated any terms and conditions of your visa in the past?
7. Education and Employment
You will be asked some questions about your educational background and employment status. Such questions may include,
- What is your highest level of education?
- Where was the last place you worked?
- Where do you work currently?
- How much is your salary?
- Which schools did you attend?
- Where and what did you study in school?
8. Tax History
You should expect questions about your tax Obligation. Such questions may include,
- When was the last time you paid your income tax?
- Do you owe any taxes to a Local, State, or Federal government?
9. Criminal Records
If you have a legal issue or had any in the past, you must disclose them. You should expect questions like:
- Are you an ex-convict?
- Have you committed any criminal offense without being charged?
10. Affiliated Organizations or Unions.
You will be required to give some details about the organization, unions, clubs, or parties you’re affiliated with. Expect some questions like:
- Where do you work currently?
- Are you a member of any social club or political party?
- Are you a member of any Terrorist group?
An immigration interview should last about 20 – 30 minutes. Expect straightforward questions, and in return, be truthful and straightforward.
These interview questions are asked to get a clear view of where you’re coming from, why you’re leaving your native country, and why you want permanent residency in Canada.
Therefore, If you want your immigration interview to be successful, we strongly advise you to make adequate preparations, speak with confidence, and give sincere answers to the Immigration Interview Questions. Good luck!