Under the Divorce Act, there is only one primary ground for divorce in Ontario: the irreparable deterioration of a marriage.
Divorce can be emotionally challenging, often requiring a thorough understanding of legal proceedings.
If you’re considering ending your marriage in Ontario, Canada, it’s essential to be aware of the Ontario divorce grounds that the province’s legal system recognizes.
While divorce is never a light decision, knowing the legitimate reasons for seeking one can provide clarity during this difficult time.
This article will explore the different grounds for divorce and how to proceed.
Let’s get to it already, shall we?
6 Grounds For Divorce In Ontario

Ontario has three basic legally recognized grounds for divorce, but we will also look at other factors that can facilitate divorce.
The first three grounds listed are the basic legally recognized grounds for a divorce.
1. Separation
One of the most common grounds for divorce in Ontario is separation.
You and your spouse must have lived separately for at least one year to obtain a separation-based divorce, with no chance of reconciliation.
This can be an amicable arrangement or a result of more complicated circumstances.
But if you cannot afford to live separately, you can still file for divorce on the grounds of separation.
That notwithstanding, you should be able to prove that the quality of your marriage has ended.
Hence, you must prove that you no longer attend family occasions together, do chores for each other, and so on.
Suppose you apply for a divorce on the ground of a one-year separation.
In that case, you can live together for only 90 days (before or after you file for the application) to try to reconcile, and if things do not work out, you can go ahead with your divorce action.
If you live together for over 90 days, you must start your one-year separation period again.
2. Adultery
While not as common as a ground for divorce due to the rise of “no-fault” divorces, adultery remains a valid reason.
Adultery involves one spouse engaging in a sexual relationship outside of the marriage.
You must prove that the adultery occurred to be legally recognized as a ground for divorce.
You would have to prove that your spouse had sex with someone else.
You must prove that you can no longer continue to live with your spouse due to his or her actions.
Normally, your spouse will publicly affirm committing adultery.
But if they contend with your allegations, you must provide evidence, which may be the testimonies of witnesses supporting your accusations.
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3. Cruelty or Mental/Physical Abuse
If one spouse has subjected the other to physical or mental cruelty that makes it intolerable to continue the marriage, this can serve as a ground for divorce.
Abuse can take many forms, including physical violence, emotional manipulation, or controlling behavior.
Evidence and documentation are crucial when claiming cruelty as a reason for divorce.
To use physical or mental abuse as a ground for divorce in Ontario, you must prove that your spouse has physically or mentally abused you and that their behavior has made it difficult and impossible for you to continue living together.
In your petition, you must state many allegations against your spouse.
If you desire to seek a divorce on the grounds of mental cruelty, it may be almost impossible to provide evidence to support your allegations.
Except you have an extreme case involving many allegations and various witnesses.
4. No-Fault Divorce
In Ontario, you don’t necessarily have to prove that one spouse is at fault for the marriage breakdown.
The concept of a “no-fault” divorce means that couples can file for divorce without blaming one another for the marriage’s failure.
This approach recognizes that marriages can deteriorate for various reasons, prioritizing a more amicable and less adversarial process.
5. Mental or Physical Health Issues
In certain cases, if a spouse’s mental or physical health issues significantly impact the marriage and make it untenable to continue, this could be considered grounds for divorce.
However, this is a complex area and may require the guidance of legal professionals to establish a valid claim.
6. Substance Abuse and Addiction
Substance abuse, particularly if it causes severe disruption to the marriage and the addicted spouse refuses to seek help or change their behavior, can also be considered grounds for divorce.
It’s crucial to demonstrate the impact of addiction on the marriage and the family as a whole.
Eligibility Criteria For Filing a Divorce in Ontario

If you wish for an Ontario court to end your marriage officially, you must apply for a divorce.
As a general rule, for you to be able to divorce in Canada, you need to meet all the following criteria:
1. You and your spouse must be legally married under the laws of Canada or any other country, and the marriage is recognized in Canada.
2. Your marriage has broken down, and you do not believe there is a possibility of you both getting back together, and as such, you intend to separate permanently from your spouse or have left already.
3. You and/or your spouse have lived in Ontario for at least one year before applying.
This requirement ensures the divorce falls within Ontario’s jurisdiction and legal framework.
4. Attempt at Reconciliation: If there is a possibility of reconciliation, the court may ask you and your spouse to attend counseling or mediation to explore potential solutions before granting the divorce.
This is part of Ontario’s commitment to preserving families whenever possible.
5. Legal Representation: While not a strict eligibility requirement, seeking legal representation is highly recommended when filing for divorce.
Family law experts can guide you through complex legal procedures, help you understand your rights, and ensure that your interests are protected.
6. Proper Documentation: To initiate the divorce process, you must gather and file various documents, including the Application for Divorce.
Ensuring that all documents are completed accurately and submitted in a timely manner is crucial to avoid delays.
Navigating the eligibility requirements for divorce in Ontario is an important step towards a new chapter in your life.
It’s essential to approach the process carefully and, if possible, collaborate with your spouse.
While the emotional aspects of divorce can be challenging, a clear understanding of the legal requirements can provide a foundation for a smoother transition.
Suppose you’re unsure about any aspect of the divorce process.
In that case, seeking guidance from legal professionals specializing in family law is highly advisable to safeguard your rights and interests throughout the journey.
12 Steps On How To Begin A Divorce Process In Ontario
Embarking on the path to divorce is a significant life transition that requires thoughtful steps and considerations.
Before you start a divorce process, it is recommended that you seek the legal advice of a professional in family law.
A professional means an expert such as a lawyer who can tell you how the law applies to your case and how you can protect your rights.
If you’re ready to begin the divorce process in Ontario, Canada, here’s a guide to help you navigate the initial stages clearly and confidently
But before delving into the guide, we’ll briefly outline four things you must do before you start the divorce process:
- Fill out a divorce application.
- Locate an Ontario courthouse and apply.
- Make payments of the required court fees.
- Follow all and any law procedures and laws given.
1. Self-Reflection and Decision: Before taking the plunge, take a moment for self-reflection.
Ensure that divorce is the right decision for you.
Consider your emotions, motives, and plans. Remember, understanding your feelings can help you communicate your needs more effectively.
2. Consult a Family Law Professional: Engaging a family law attorney is a pivotal first step.
Consult with a legal expert who specializes in divorce cases.
They will provide invaluable advice tailored to your situation, explain the legal processes, and offer guidance on the best course of action.
3. Choose Your Grounds: Ontario recognizes various grounds for divorce, including separation, adultery, and cruelty.
Determine the most relevant ground for your situation.
Your lawyer can help you decide which aligns with your circumstances and objectives.
4. Gather Essential Documentation: Compile the necessary documents for the divorce process.
These typically include your marriage certificate, financial statements, property documents, and any evidence supporting your chosen grounds for divorce.
Organize these documents to present a clear case.
5. Complete the Application for Divorce: Fill out the Application for Divorce form, available from the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General or online.
This form includes information about you, your spouse, and the grounds for divorce. Be accurate and thorough in your responses.
6. File the Application: File the completed Application for Divorce form with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
You can submit it at the courthouse or online through the Ministry of the Attorney General’s website.
Pay the necessary filing fees and retain copies of all submitted documents.
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7. Serve Divorce Papers: As the “applicant,” you must serve the divorce papers to your spouse, the “respondent.”
This can be done in person or via mail. Ensure that your spouse receives the documents within the required timeframe.
8. Respondent’s Response: The respondent has a specified period to respond to the divorce application.
If they agree to the divorce and its terms, the process can proceed more smoothly.
If not, negotiations and legal proceedings may be necessary.
9. Negotiate and Settle: If possible, work with your spouse to negotiate settlements regarding property division, child custody, support, and other important matters.
Alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation can facilitate productive discussions.
10. Court Proceedings (If Needed): Court proceedings may become inevitable in cases of disagreement.
Attend court hearings as required, presenting your side and supporting evidence.
11. Await the Divorce Judgment: Once your case is presented and all legal requirements are met, the court will issue a divorce judgment, formally ending your marriage.
12. Prioritize Healing and Well-being: The divorce process is more than just legal steps; it’s an emotional journey.
Prioritize your well-being by seeking support from friends, family, or professionals.
Focus on healing and rebuilding as you move forward.
Initiating a divorce in Ontario involves legal procedures and emotional considerations.
By consulting a family law expert, understanding the process, and giving yourself space to heal, you can navigate this journey with resilience and grace, ultimately embracing new possibilities on the horizon.
Who Pays The Divorce Fee | 8 Things You Should Know

Divorce is not only an emotional transition but also a financial one, and understanding who bears the cost can be crucial.
In Ontario, Canada, the question of who pays for a divorce is a valid concern for many.
Let’s delve into the unique dynamics of divorce costs in Ontario.
- Legal Fees: Both parties involved in the divorce typically bear their legal fees.
Each spouse hires a lawyer to represent their interests and navigate the legal proceedings.
These fees can vary widely based on factors such as the case’s complexity, negotiation processes, and court appearances.
- Filing Fees: The party initiating the divorce, known as the “applicant,” is responsible for paying the filing fees associated with submitting the Application for Divorce to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
These fees cover the administrative costs of processing the divorce application.
- Shared Expenses: While each party usually covers its legal fees, certain shared expenses may arise during divorce.
For instance, the costs associated with selling a jointly owned property or appraising assets may be divided between the spouses.
- Fee Waivers: In cases of financial hardship, individuals may be eligible for a fee waiver for court filing fees.
This can help alleviate some of the financial burden associated with divorce.
Eligibility criteria vary, so it’s essential to inquire with the court about available options.
- Spousal Support: As part of divorce settlements, one spouse may be required to provide spousal support to the other.
The court takes factors like income, duration of the marriage, and the recipient’s financial needs into account when determining spousal support.
This support can assist the lower-earning spouse in covering their living expenses.
- Child Support: Child support is another financial aspect to consider.
The parent who doesn’t have primary custody of the children usually pays child support to the custodial parent.
The amount is determined based on guidelines set by the Child Support Guidelines of Ontario.
- Property Division: During divorce proceedings, marital property and assets division comes into play.
Depending on the situation, one spouse might need to provide an equalization payment to balance out the distribution of assets.
This can affect the financial contributions of each party.
- Mediation or Collaborative Law: Opting for mediation or collaborative law processes can often be more cost-effective than adversarial court proceedings.
These methods promote open communication and negotiation to reach mutually agreeable solutions, which can help reduce legal expenses.
Navigating the financial aspects of divorce in Ontario requires careful consideration and understanding of the unique circumstances at hand.
It’s advisable to consult with a family law attorney who can guide you through the financial implications and help you make informed decisions.
By being aware of the costs and potential arrangements, you can approach the divorce process with a clearer financial perspective.
Cost of Divorce | How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Ontario?

Embarking on a divorce journey involves more than emotional considerations; it also requires financial planning.
While the exact cost of a divorce in Ontario can vary widely based on individual circumstances, understanding the potential expenses can help you prepare for this significant life transition.
Starting around 1 January 2023, the Court Expenses for all Separation Applications in Ontario Expenses $669, payable in two portions of $224 and $445.
The principal installment of $224 is payable at the hour of applying, and the second installment of $445 is expected at the hour of putting the matter down for a divorce hearing.
A divorce lawyer costs $750 + HST for a simple divorce in Ontario, otherwise called an uncontested divorce.
On the other hand, a contested divorce in Ontario costs thousands of dollars due to the number of claims and complexity of divorce.
In this manner, the total cost for a simple divorce in Ontario would be $1,516.50, all-inclusive.
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Make Your Divorce Process Seamless
Remember that these grounds for divorce provide a general overview of what is recognized in Ontario’s legal system.
The process of divorce can be intricate, and each case is unique.
It’s recommended to seek legal advice from professionals specializing in family law to guide you through the process, ensuring your rights are protected and the best possible outcome for both parties involved.
While divorce is undoubtedly emotionally taxing, understanding the legal aspects can help make the transition smoother and more manageable.
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