Canada’s not-for-profit sector, or non-profit sector, represents around 8.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), with more than two million workers making a living with non-profit organizations. Some of the people working non-profit jobs in the country are immigrants.
Sure, many newcomers to Canada dream of making a splash with a big company and watching extra zeros appear in their bank account – and nobody should give up their dream – but, Canada’s non-profit sector is another way to fulfil your ambitions and have a good standard of living, all while making a meaningful social impact.

So, if you’re moving to Canada and considering taking a job with non-profit institutions or volunteering, there are a few things you should know.
What types of non-profit jobs are there in Canada?
A non-profit organization (NPO) is a club, society, or association that’s organized and operated solely for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure or recreation, or any other purpose except profit.
The most significant portion of non-profit activity (73.2%) in Canada as of 2017 came from government non-profit institutions, like hospitals, some residential care facilities, colleges, and universities.
Community non-profit institutions were responsible for 16.4% of the overall non-profit sector in Canada.
The aforementioned percentage includes organizations engaged, i.e, in social services, sports and recreation, and advocacy. The aforementioned makes up the “non-profit businesses serving households” sector in a standard macroeconomic measure.
Business non-profits institutions were responsible for the remaining 10.4% of non-profit jobs in Canada. This set includes chambers of commerce, business associations, and condominium associations. Generally speaking, education and health dominate the non-profit sector of Canada.
The above depiction of Canada’s non-profit sector didn’t take volunteer activities into consideration, which, regardless of their essential nature, are typically not considered when accounting for standard macroeconomic measures.
But when considered as non-profit, volunteering activities would represent about a quarter of all non-profit GDP.
How much do non-profit workers earn in Canada?
Still using 2017, given the robustness of the data available for that year, the annual average compensation for a job was estimated to be $57,000 CAD in the non-profit sector.
When compared to the entire economy, this is slightly below the $59,800 average compensation for the entire economy that year.
Individuals employed in the sub-sector of the governments’ non-profit sector, which happens to be the largest sub-sector in all of the non-profit sector put together, received about $63,000 CAD annually, immediately followed by employees in the business sub-sector with $54,400 CAD and community non-profit sub-sector with $42,500 CAD annually.
Which province has the most non-profit jobs in Canada?
There’s a misconception that Ontario produces the most non-profit jobs in Canada, but that isn’t really the case when we are talking about it as a share of the overall jobs market, as that is actually Nova Scotia who holds more of its labour market working for non-profit organizations, and other Maritime provinces like PEI and New Brunswick being also above the national average.
In a way, you’d be right though, although Ontario, Alberta, and BC, are some of Canada’s largest cities, the aforementioned provinces have a lower total share of workers holding jobs in the non-profit sector. The national average was 8.5 percent in 2017. Source: StatsCan
How do I find a non-profit job in Canada?
At Immigly, we refer Charity Village to our readers, as they’re one of the largest sites for getting non-profit jobs in Canada.
Another organization we recommend for volunteer jobs in Canada is Go Volunteer.
NOTE: Kindly revamp your resume before beginning your hunt and ensure sure you check out all the other excellent resources below.
Organizations for volunteering in Canada
To ease the search process for you, below is a list of organizations where you can volunteer in Canada:
- Camphill: This organization is dedicated building communities through jobs and projects that are very diverse in nature.
- Université Concordia Montreal: The University of Montreal houses different programs aimed at enhancing volunteering in Canada, just an option to bear in mind.
- Volunteer Benevoles: This organizationis an Anglo-francophone one which is specialized in volunteering jobs of all types, many of them relating to social nature.
- Hopital de Montréal pour Enfants: This is a shelter for minors, for individuals who want to work with children and help mitigate the risk of exclusion, this website would be the best fit.
- Global Citizens Network: This organization has a global reach and they offers numerous routes for volunteering in different countries globally.
- Pop Montreal: This is for thoese individuals that music festivals are their thing, they can volunteer at this famous Canadian festival that happens in September.
- Parks Canada: This is a website to get different options to work on volunteer projects at Canadas’ national parks.
- Suicide Action Montreal: This is a organization dedicated to helping people who may need to speak to someone, very recommended for social workers or psychologists.
- Plan Canada: This is an international organization which is searching for volunteers globally, similar search is ongoing for its projects in Canada.
- Animal Rescue Network: This organization is totally dedicated to protecting animals as the name implies, and they are in need of volunteers to help with different types of work relating to animals.
- Conservation Volunteers: This organization is the best fit for individuals who want to be a volunteer working in conserving the environment.
- CADIP Volunteering Canada: This organization offers lots of social volunteers the opportunity to either work with the elderly or children with difficulties…
- Canadian Cancer Society: This organization is dedicated to the fight against cancer and they offers the possibility of volunteering.
- Frontieres Foundation: This foundation offers lots of options for social volunteering in different parts of the world.
- Habitat for Humanity: This organization offers lots of volunteering options throughout the globe, with Canada inclusive.
- Canadian Blood Service: This organization would be of interest to those who want to volunteer in this type of service.
Other resources for volunteering in Canada
Below you will find another series of resources for volunteering in Canada ideal for backpackers.
WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) – It is a way of volunteering to travel to almost any destination on the globe. It involves working on organic farms of all kinds for a few hours a day (4 or 5 hours) in exchange for accommodation and food.
HelpX – A volunteer option very similar to Wwoof; Here you will find opportunities in organic farms to other more varied options such as agritourism, work in family homes, ranches, country houses, Bed & Breakfast, hostels and hostels, and even volunteer jobs on sailboats. Ideal for backpackers.
Workaway – Like Helpx or Wwoof, offers help to promote fair exchange between travellers, language students or volunteers, and others who are looking for help with a variety of interesting activities such as art, agriculture, construction, childcare, Web design, and much more.
Worldpackers – A nexus for travellers who want to perform tasks in hotels, hostels, hostels, and more in exchange for accommodation.
World Wide Helpers (WWH) – A web platform where you can locate international volunteer programs in various countries, including Canada.